How To Write Vocabulary Presentations And Practice

Vocabulary has gained its rightful place at the centre of modern language learning syllabuses, but how does a writer select which items to present and practise? Philip Kerr, an experienced teacher, trainer and coursebook writer, explains the importance of key criteria such as frequency, learnability and usefulness when selecting vocabulary items. Carefully constructed tasks and detailed commentaries encourage readers to think critically about vocabulary materials.

This book provides:

  • an overview of the theoretical and practical issues involved in writing vocabulary materials.
  • a framework to guide you in the planning of vocabulary materials.
  • a wide range of practice activity types and models.
  • suggestions for using teacher’s notes to support and extend the vocabulary materials that the students see.

This book forms part of the ELT Teacher 2 Writer training course. The course is designed to help you write better ELT materials, either for publication, or simply to improve the quality of your self-produced classroom materials.

How To Write Vocabulary Presentations And Practice forms part of our How To Write Excellent ELT Materials: The Skills Series compendium.

Philip Kerr

Philip Kerr is a teacher trainer and materials writer who lives in Vienna. As a lead author or co-author, he has written coursebooks in a number of series, including Inside Out and Straightforward (Macmillan), Evolve (Cambridge University Press) and Studio (Helbling). He is also the author of Translation and Own-Language Activities (Cambridge University Press). He blogs about technology and language teaching at Adaptive Learning In ELT.

Philip Kerr

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